About me
Michigan author who writes small town romance with heart.

New York Times Bestselling Author Jennifer Lowery
My writing journey began when I was just five years old. I wrote a three sentence poem about sunshine and freckles and my kindergarten teacher published it in our local newspaper. I still have a copy of that newspaper that my mom saved for me. I got a kick out of telling people I was first published at five years old lol.
I think I owe much of my writing journey to my grandma Cook. She used to bring us grocery sacks full of romance books. I would devour them and wait excitedly for the next bag. I would get lost in the stories and all the different worlds that I got to visit. I loved it. It didn’t take long before I was sitting at the kitchen table with my sisters, penning my own stories of love and romance and action and adventure. We would sit there for hours with a glass of iced tea at our side, just writing. I can’t think of a time when I didn’t have a book in my hand. My mom used to get annoyed because she couldn’t ground me to my room because I loved being in my room lol. That’s where I would sit at my desk and write or lay on my bed and read.
I never wanted to be anything else besides a writer. It was my dream. But, life did take me on a separate path for a few years before I finally decided to follow my dream. I got married to a man who made me laugh, and still makes me laugh to this day, even after 32 years. We have two amazing kids, Hunter (married to an amazing woman, Kaitlyn) and Jenna (in a relationship with the sweetest man, Marshal). And we have three beautiful grand babies; Maevia, Aurielle, and Revan. They bring so much joy to our lives!
I actually went to Ferris State University and got an Associates Degree in Respiratory Therapy. I worked as a respiratory therapist for 13 years before I decided to follow my dream and become a writer. I haven’t regretted it since. I’m one of the lucky ones who gets to live their dream, and I couldn’t be happier.
So that in a nutshell is my story. I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope that you enjoy my books as much as I enjoyed writing them.
All my best,